The AMD2PL – Main Event concludes the day with 14 teams remaining
It was a day full of action packed matches and the great thing about it is, things are just starting to heat up. As the day ended, six teams have emerged victorious while six were sent packing.
Sun vs.
Sun's decision to contest
GameWare's tri-lane paid off as they were able to shutdown Gyrocopter's farm who unfortunately for
GameWare, was their only reliable right-click damage. And with Nature's Prophet's global ability, they easily took control of the early game with constant aggression on all the lanes that made it hard for
GameWare to get into their rhythm and eventually,
Sun's Dominance continued throughout the game and
GameWare could no longer recover.
(VOD - Vietnamese)
Tell Me Why vs.
TnC Gaming
It was a exciting affair throughout the game as both teams were constantly exchanging kills and getting items on their hard carries. But there was one hero who stood out of the game and it was Magnus, where he kept TnC Gaming in the game as soon as he started roaming around and set up great pickoffs for his team.
During the late game, Magnus's great plays was the crucial point with quick skewer pickoffs that made it a 4v5 engagement and team fight winning Reverse Polarity where he would get the core heroes of TMY, notably the heavily farmed Alchemist who was just being disabled and could not get the opening to do damage.
(VOD - Vietnamese)
RisingStars vs.
Armaggeddon.First Departure
With Armgd.FD's lineup, they were supposed to be the aggressors and take down towers early but that was not the case during the game, as
Rstars, lead by Clockwerk and Night Stalker, were the ones being aggressive and pressuring the lanes that resulted to
Armgd.FD's slow item progression.
During the course of the game, Armgd.FD's split-pushing kept them into the game but that was basically the only thing they could do as they could no longer face
Rstars head-on which eventually lead to their defeat.
(VOD - Vietnamese)
Other Results:
Invasion.Gigabyte >.
Netolic.SG >
Joe Net.Phenomenon <
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