Godz: “We’d love to have Winter join us in our studio.”
David “Godz” Parker is one of most famous casters in the DOTA community and especially so in the South-East Asian region. He initially gained a strong following as a caster for GEST DOTA before moving on to cast European tournaments like StarLadder as well as setting up a professional casting organization Beyond The Summit with LD. GosuGamers did an extensive interview with the former N9 manager GoDz where he discussed BTS, Asian DOTA and his plans to develop the scene.
GoDz stated that he started BTS along with LD since he wanted to host tournaments for the SEA region and cast them at the same time. “We could only cast from our bedrooms for so long!” he said, jokingly. He believes that the most difficult part while creating BTS was finding the right people with same passion to share the workload with. The main reason for setting up a DOTA 2 studio along with LD was to “create better content and to host more events for the DOTA 2 community.”
Speaking ahead about BTS, he let on that the decision to set up a studio in Los Angeles was made since they had a group of well-known people already working in the area near LA. With the BTS studio established, GoDz and LD aim to host more Asian tournaments. “Ultimately, we just want to make sure all contributions go towards our studio and content and any revenue/profits the studio, as a whole, makes gets re-invested into the DOTA 2 community."
GoDz reassured his fans that BTS will to cover as many major LAN events as possible in the upcoming months. According to him, he will, however, not be casting the G-League Grand Finals as he will be casting the Armaggeddon Grand Slam Asia instead.
For the full interview, check out the original feature by GosuGamers.
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hahahah and JTAn