SeleCT returns to SC2 - GM in a Week
Only 6 days from his return to Starcraft2, Kyung Hyun "SeleCT" Ryoo has just been promoted to Starcraft2's Grandmaster League, citing him as one of the top players in the Korean Server.
SeleCT basking in the glory of his promotion. Source: Reddit
The former team Dignitas player announced his return to professional Starcraft2 on May 27, 2013, after his DotA2 team the QPAD Red Pandas failed to qualify for The International 3, with hopes of qualifying for the World Championship Series this year. His return marks an end to his 7-month retirement from the RTS release after his decision on October 24th, 2012 to try his hand in professional DotA2.
The Grandmaster League in Starcraft2 houses the top 200 players of every region, each slot a much reverred position for some of the world's best players. Making the cut is no small feat, making the cut in a week is a relatively unheard of feat altogether. SeleCT's road to the WCS is fraught with peril, but if he performs at this level with consistency, who knows what this legend of SC2 might achieve?
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