There has been rumors and now it has been confirmed. Na'Vi will be going to China start practicing in China for the upcoming season of The G-1 Champions League in Shanghai. Before heading to China, they will be Katowice for the finals of EMS One.
Starting from 24th June all the way till 10th July, the team will be staying in Shanghai at StarCNTV training facilities where they will be participating in studio show-matches against the best Chinese teams.
Statement from
"We hereby certify that we have invited NA'VI come and visit China for touring and training. During NA`VI's stayed in China we will provide our training facility along with good condition and professional equipments"
The current Dota 2 line-up for Na'Vi including their recent sign-ups, Kuroky and Funn1k.
Recently, Na'Vi has not been as strong as they used to be. With good practice against the best teams in China, the team can bond and develop a chemistry within the new line-up. It's exciting to see how they will fair after their bootcamp.
Stay tuned to RGN for the latest news and updates!
(Written by: ZOMGSHOX)
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