We came into play week 7 with the two new teams who replaced Zenith and
Tongfu in the league kicked into action for the first time, with the newly formed team
Impervious going up against
MiTH-Trust and
AMGD.Awake faced
First Departure.
In this game, Impervious went for both an offensive and defensive lineup, while
MiTH-Trust was all out offensive as usual and it even featured a Clinkz whom we don't see much getting used by them.
At the start, MiTH-Trust dominated in the tri-lane where they easily found kills despite
Impervious having Abaddon on their side. However,
Impervious was better in creep kills and lane control, and then coupled with well executed Alchemist's ganks resulted in a couple of kills in favor of the team.
As the game progressed, MiTH-Trust eventually got their heroes into the optimal levels for their specific lineup, resulting to kills and tower downs.
Impervious was able to hold on to the game and bought themselves more time to farm but unfortunately it was not enought as
MiTH-Trust's lineup was too much to handle for
Impervious, eventually ending the game.
Both teams decided to go for defensive lanes where we saw Darkseer start off in the bottom lane but later on went into the jungle. Departure did not completely give Phantom Lancer a free lane and decided to let their Nature's Prophet lane with him and indeed he did a great job of being annoying as he kept the creeps unbalanced, which made it hard for Phantom Lancer to have the momentum.
During team fignts, First Departure came on top most of the time courtesy of Chen's mass heal, making it hard for
AMGD.Awake to bring down heroes. This often meant
First Departure turning the tables around every time
AMGD.Awake made it's initiation.
In the end, First Departure was too far ahead in items due to the constant team-kills during the clashes which resulted in a lot of downed towers as well.
AMGD.Awake could not find the room to farm to put themselves back into the game, specially their Phantom Lancer who naturally needed items to be effective, resulting into their defeat.
Rattlesnake < Mineski: Default win due to opponent's unavailability.
Risingstars < NeoES.Orange: Default win due to opponent unable to complete all five players.
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