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PROLINK ESWC Indonesia Qualifier Winners

Yennan on 2013-08-28

escw qualifiers indonesia


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PROLINK's ESCW Qualifiers for Indonesia concluded this weekend and team Queen net Bandung took the spot to compete in the Electronic Sports World Cup this October 30 to November 3.


qnet Photo was taken of Queen net in a another recent tournament. Team Queen net is composed of Farand "Koala" Kowara, Bram "Easy" XLR8, Wilbert "Lavida" marco, Fajar "Benclung" maulana and Dodik "Warclarkson".


Landing on second place is team TLer.Reborn, who performed admirably in the tournament all the way into the finals, and was finally beaten in the last match against Queen net Bandung. They also a seeded slot to the ESWC Indonesia National Finals in conjunction with the Indonesia Game Show from 6th - 8 september 2013.


qnet Taken from a previous event is the above photo of TLer.Reborn. The line-up for TLer.Reborn is composed of Kaleb "Vahhnzz" Mustamu, Gunawan "spica", Bryce "Dotz" Mince, Dicky "tokageroh" and Derry "RnG".


On third is Allstar Supernova, who also faced Queen net Bandung during the semi-finals and was eliminated after losing.


qnet Above is a photo of Supernova, winning in a another recent event, same as the one with Queen net above. Allstar Supernova is composed of Angga "Amazing", Willy "Roadsector", Jourdan "Xveemon" Ganaek, Neysa "Chris" and CCC "kenny"


The tournament had a 1 game per match-up format, offering a lot of surprises and upsets as most teams faced each other for the first time and failure on the first try meant disqualification.




Other than earning a spot in ESCW, first place also wins this spectacular set of gaming accessories courtesy of PROLINK for each member of the team.






Second and third also wins these awesome prizes respectively. Congratulations once again to the winners and goodluck on the road ahead to the Electronic Sports World Cup for Queen net and ESWC Indonesia National Finals for TLer.Reborn.

Source: PROLINK ESWC DOTA 2 Indonesia 2013 online qualifier


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