SingSing joins Kaipi, Arteezy released
Recently EternaLEnVy took to Twitter to say that
SingSing will be joining the team as an official team member replacing outgoing teammate
ComeWithMe. In addition, star player
Arteezy has left the team after joinning not too long ago and as such, will not be representing the team in any tournaments anymore.
Reasons as to why Arteezy left the team on such short notice fell on his need to continue his high school education. The team is currently unsure if they should play
SingSing as a solo mid laner or in a support role because the team still lacks one more player to fill in a 5-man roster. As for now, the team is undergoing some major changes and we wish them all the best!
Kaipi's Current Incompleted Roster
Jacky 'EternaLEnVy' Mao
Johan 'pieliedie' Astrom
Armand 'bone7' Pittner
Wehsing "SingSing" Yuen
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