Professional gamer with culinary heart
RGN : Firstly, Let’s have an introduction about yourself.
OK. My name is Kanin Unhakongtripop. My nickname is “Bam”. I’m a player in “European Elite Gamer” aka =EEG=. I am using Bamian in a codename. I’m Thai and I study cooking in France.
RGN : What’s your position in the team?
I’m playing 2 games. So my position in Counter-Strike: Source is Supporter and Attacker in Call of Duty: Black Ops
RGN : Can you explain or introduce =EEG= team?
Yes, I have known this clan for 7-8 years. =EEG= team is a big clan in Europe such as in English, France, Germany and more. We have a lot of teams on PS3, Xbox360 and PC to play Counter-Strike 1.6, Counter-Strike: Source, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Starcraft 2 and DotA.
The clan was created by “Dark Side”, “Buro” and “Zwetschki”. We have some secondary (sub) clan in Thailand name “pOdZo”. pOdZo picked Left 4 Dead Series to be their primary game. And at this time “Steelseries” and “Nvidia” are our supporters who support my team in terms of money, gaming gear and other stuffs

RGN : Well... how did you become a part of =EEG=?
Like I told you I have known this clan for 7-8 years ago when I was study 8th grade in England. When I was there I was always spending my time to play StarWars: Battlefront II and I met “Sypni”. He is a =EEG= player at that time so he asked me to join him and so I did. At that time we were playing to entertain ourselves. It seems like we were playing for nothing, no competitions, and no event.
=EEG= have a lot of player in teams that are of the English, French, German, Swedish nature but the only Asian man in the team is me
RGN : Do you have a problem about your nationality?
I think it does have its pros and cons. The good is I got to know a different set of logic, common sense and manners. I learned it and apply these traits to myself and am nice with them. But the bad thing about it is that there will be racist comments from others sometimes.
RGN : What is the difference between Thai Clan and foreigner?
Well... they play harder, practice harder and have a lot of better tactics than Thaisuch as a formation and config game. I guess...
RGN : So what are your purpose, objective and challenge?
I’m trying to be the best as far as I can; if they have competitions I won’t let it pass. Actually I don’t want to miss any opportunity to be well known.
RGN : Wow, that’s good. May I ask you what are your goals or intention for your team this year?
We just won 1st rank in Germany Black Ops Tournament and 5th in Black Ops European League so we are trying to keep it up and to make it happen again and again.
RGN : Lastly, what is a thing you can apply or tell Thai players to help them be better from your experience?
I think the first is to practice harder, right on time. You know what if you are in practice you don’t take a break to go on chat, be on the telephone with your girlfriend or find something to eat. This will then make you a good team member. I came to Thailand and I always see my friend take a break too many times. If you keep on doing this you will fail.
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