LoL Patch 3.7 Preview Reactions
Few days ago Riot Games announced the preview for Patch 3.7 of the League of Legends and that has since met with a mixed bag of reactions. Taking to various media outlets and discussion boards, summoners have been airing their displeasure over the decision to nerf several popular picks such as Twisted Fate (TF) and Caitlyn.
Released by Riot on their community forums, the patch notes detailed changes to the skills sets of several champions, namely TF, Caitlyn, Nunu and Rumble, just to name a few. While most felt that nerfs were in order so as to maintain the overall balance and appeal of other heroes, the consensus is that the changes detailed in the coming patch have gone a stretch too far.
Toning down Rumble’s base spell damage—which some have pointed out, never did scale well in terms of AP or in damage has angered a good few. But the potential deal breaker for many though will still be the outright nerfs to sniper class Caitlyn and TF’s skills Stacked Deck and Destiny. Citing the fact that TF was just too adept at pilling on an insane amount of global map pressure for the latter’s alterations, Riot attempted to justify Caitlyn’s “modifications” by going on record by saying she has been too strong a siege champion.
Jungle Nunu, which has been quite a rarity, has received a much needed buff to skill Consume but even that has not gone down well with the masses due to the adverse impact on his lane presence. The same can be said for Diana who received reductions in shields and passives.
On the plus side, the much requested feature update to the item shop that sees the addition of custom item sets has finally been implemented. This should benefit the game’s AD Kennens and AP Gangplanks as postulated by patch video host Pwyff. No official date has been set for the release of the patch as of yet but those eager for the changes will have not long to wait.
What are your opinions on Patch 3.7? Are the modifications valid or has Riot taken things a tad too far? Be sure to let us know in the comments section below!
Source: LoL Forums
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