RoX.KIS adds TpoH to their Dota2 roster!
The man himself.
RoX.KIS.BzzIsPerfect (Stanislav Glushan)
RoX.KIS.Dread (Andrey Golubev)
RoX.KIS.VANSKOR (Ivan Skorohod)
RoX.KIS.yol (Vladimir Basov)
RoX.KIS.TpoH(Maksim Vernikov)
After the controversial removal of Alexei "Solo" Berezin from the team, Rox.Kis was quick to rebuild their roster with the addition of Maxim "TpoH" Vernikov to the team. TpoH has been a consistent stand-in for the team, showing good results in all the official matches he has joined.
RoX.KiS's current Dota2 roster are as follows:
RoX.KIS.BzzIsPerfect (Stanislav Glushan)
RoX.KIS.Dread (Andrey Golubev)
RoX.KIS.VANSKOR (Ivan Skorohod)
RoX.KIS.yol (Vladimir Basov)
RoX.KIS.TpoH(Maksim Vernikov)
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