It's On! Neolution.Orange and Na'Vi (LB Final Round)
The second to the last series of The International 3 will feature 2 of the scene's top dogs, Malaysian's Neolution.Orange and The International 1 champions,
Na'Vi. Without saying, the former champs will go into the tie as favorites despite statistics showing that Neolution.Orange have the upper hand over Na'Vi winning five of the last seven games against the Ukranian outfit.
Both teams trekked different path coming thru this series. Na'Vi won every Winner's Bracket match up to the Final Upper Bracket Series encounter with Alliance, whereas Orange fell in the very first round of the WB but has since defeated everyone on their way out of the LB. Ironically the team that had put them in the LB in the first place was none other that Na'Vi.
Keys figures in the game
Xtinct is a crucial part of
Orange's success. His well-played support and micro has been top notch. The only low point though is his Chen play. In The International 3 he only averages 50% when using chen. On the upside he is a beast when playing the flying support, Visage. Xtinct's success with Visage is outstanding with a 11-2 record.
Bring out the Beast!(Mushi)
Orange won it's crucial lower bracket matches in style! WIth caster's calling it as "the most synchronized victory ever". If history is to repeat itself once more, the team must first let Mushi stabilize the lanes and let the others get their crucial items.
Our Prediction:
2-1 in favor of Na'Vi.
What are your thoughts on the game? Do you think Orange has what it takes to put Na'Vi out of the tournament?
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