Car Servicing Repairs
HKS Garage R specializes in providing efficient motor servicing and repair of cars brands. We sort out all types of vehicle issues; irrespective of their models and sizes. Our mechanics are good enough to get cars back in their original form by fixing damaged and impaired parts; caused either by an accident, weather calamity or prolonged mishandling
No matter whatsoever defect your vehicles possess; be it gear’s problem, brake impairments, AC defect or any other part working and hampering performance of cars. Car workshop Singapore will get the job done on time with extreme precison.
Car Repair Singapore entitles only skilled repairmen, capable of handing each issue with great care and efficiency .Each time a new vehicle/second hand car comes into garage, we put in all efforts to mend and reform each specific deformity in cars.
For every maintenance and washing related tasks, mechanics try to anticipate each aspect of cleaning; while performing complete process in a well managed order. We value our customer’s concern for their precious cars, so our emphasis is basically laid down to cater effective and world-class service.
Our dedicated workmanship and keen interest in serving needs of customers according to their specifications has enabled Car Aircon Service Singapore to achieve highest customer satisfaction.
Car workshop Singapore could prove to be an apt spot for those who care their vehicles and sensitive in regards to handling their possession to strangers. We render full assurance to our customer’s, in terms of safety and quality service.
Each entity that enters our workshop is completely secured and handled carefully throughout the servicing task. At Car Repair Singapore, skilled mechanics are all set to deliver superb workmanship with their dedicated and timely efforts in fixing new parts/accessories, correctly in place of impaired ones.