GMPGL 4-5: Badburn doubled the champion, iZone125 and Mineski back to the race
2154 times Written by: Jai Mendiola on 2012-06-07

The Gigabyte Mineski Pro-Gaming League last May proved to be one of the tournaments worth to be watched by many. Why? Of course, the former champions namely iZone125 and Mineski PowerColor were both sent to the Class A brackets by their respective opponents in Class S. There were a a lot of teams that participated in the Class A division, but none of them can stop the two champions (iZone125 and Mineski). In the division finals, the teams fought against each other and iZone claimed to be the victor in Class A. Now both champion iZONE and the runner up Mineski will be going back to class S next season.


...and Mineski come back to class S on the next season

On the other hand, in Class S Division, the recent champion Badburn showed to all that it was not just a fluke that they won the GMPGL last month. They fought against top caliber Class S teams, once again proved that they can beat them all to defend their champion title and be the first ever back to back champions in the Class S division.

Two-in-a-row champion -  Team Badburn

Moving over to the women's division of the tournament, two Pacific girl teams fought against each other and it was really a good game to watch. After all, PacificLaw was crowned as champion.

Champion of girl bracket - Team PacificLaw

On the next GMPGL, who will be the champion now when Mineski and iZone are back and will be fighting against Dreamz, MSI Evolution GT, Ledion TurboRatz, Pacific Ichill, Sweetopia and the back to back champions Badburn?

Coming up next is the interview with Joven Pancho of iZone125 (Champion of Class A) and Richard Minowa of Badburn (Champion of Class S)

Team BadBurn

Richard E. Minowa "iNMa", Jo Tan "JuTan", Carlo Rivera "RedEyes", Mark Gavin "Bayabas", Don Dancel Coronado Apuad "Don"

RGN: How does it feel when being the first team that won back to back on the Class S division?

Richard: I'm very happy because it was the first time I have experienced that, and of course, our hard training paid off.


RGN: What do we expect from Badburn on the upcoming GMPGL?

Richard: Of course, we will defend our title, we want to experience to be champions three times in a row. I know that will feel good.


RGN: What do we expect from you?

Richard: I will improve my performance, skill and talent for the team. I want to play a big role in every team achievement that we will be receiving.


RGN: What does it take to be a champion?

Richard: First will be the experience, second will be the synergy as a team, third will be the willingness / eagerness to win for the team, and of course, last will be the inspiration in every battle.


RGN: What is your preparation on the June GMPGL now that Mineski and iZONE125 are back to Class S?

Richard: We will practice as usual, but we need to practice in a more advanced way. We want to be the champion three times in a row in GMPGL.


RGN: What is your message to all of the teams in Class S?

Richard: Please give us a chance to experience a threepeat.


RGN: What is your message to your fans?

Richard: Well, I don't have any fans, I only know 1 fan who is always there to support me and that's Inma Mendoza <3 I love you!


I would like to thank BadBurn, Kuya Ron also to Ate Glenda, to Pasia, one of our managers that always trust us. To all my friends in FB, I can't forget all of you <3. Also to my friends in Wellplayed Computer Shop near our house! Also to Team Puckers, you know who you are! Carbie, Lygan, Mang Kanor, Chikimua, Cia, Jaja, Jenn, and team ARW, also the people that always PM me :))

Hello to Marie Chai, Juelv Hearz, Shinji Chua, Kuya Jerry Ocampo, also to team Badburn. To Gretchen Que and all of the rest I can't remember right now HAHAHA =)). And last but not the least, the most important person in my life, Inma Mendoza. I love you baby :*

Team iZONE125

[Support/Ganker] Harold "frOggy" Arcedo, [Primary Support/Ganker] Earlwin “Reborn” Libre, [Carry] Paulo "poleng" Torrechiva, [Carry] Ajeon "Joven" Rosana Pancho, [Carry] John Patrick "Kuling" Ang

RGN: How does it feel that you were dropped from Class S to Class A?

Joven: I felt disappointed, because it's so hard to be left behind, especially, when we need a lot of points for the finals. Being included in Class A is very hard for us, plus there are no points even if you win there.


RGN: Why did your team suddenly dropped from Class S to being Class A? What happened?

Joven: Can't say anything. I knew that we did not have any mistakes in team play and we did not have any problems in how we played the game that time. It was just that our enemies got even stronger than we expected and they out played us.


RGN: Now that you are back to the Class S, what's your message to your Class S enemies?

Joven: We will fight them like we usually do, and also hopefully that thing will go on our way. ^_^ Goodluck to all of us.


RGN: What do we expect from iZONE125?

Joven: We will try to better our gameplay, better than our performances on the previous GMPGL.


RGN: What do we expect from Jovensanity?

Joven: I will let you see another "pandesal gaming" from Jovensanity. Hahahaha :))


RGN: What will be your preparation in the upcoming GMPGL this June?

Joven: We will practice harder for us to secure our spot in Class S, and for us to improve our skills and talent.


RGN: What will be your message to all of your fans now that you are back to Class S?

Joven: I hope you will support us. I will try my best for us to be the champion in the next GMPGL. Thank you


Thanks for all the supporters and also to our Haters. Peace ^_^

I would like to greet my former team EpiCntr, Philwar Wired. Also I would like to greet all the DotA players, haha. I would like to say hello to our sponsor Sir Jayson, Mam Lein for the non-stop support to our team. I would also like to greet my teammates, John, JP, Ken, Atong, Ewe, Paul and thanks for this interview. Thank you!

Source: Mineski Event Team
