Xephyre on the FO2League
2417 times Posted by admin on 2010-03-09


 Year Started Gaming: 2006
Greatest Achievement: Nil

Hi Xephyre, first of all, congratulations for finally making the Fifa Online 2 League a reality. How do you feel about getting it up after 3 months of planning?

Xephyre: Thanks for the support and also for taking some time off to conduct this interview. I feel very pleased and relieved that the league is finally up and running. It has been a long 3 months for me, but the work does not stop here. I will continue working on this project.

Would you like to share with our readers how do you came up with the idea?

Xephyre: Being a gamer myself, I understand that deep, innate urge to compete that resides within each one of us who play games of any sort. Competitive gaming provides gamers with a platform to express this desire, to pit themselves against each other in good-natured competition. By setting up the FO2League, I hoped to provide FIFA players with a condusive environment for such competition.

How initial response from the gamers? Were you happy with the urnout?

Xephyre: The initial response from the community was very encouraging as over 60 FIFA Online 2 players pledged their interest in the league. We currently have a total of 40 players over 2 divisions in Season 1. Among these are several high profile players and emerging stars, so you could definitely say that I am happy with the overall turnout.

So, what is the format of this league?

Xephyre: The league runs 2 divisions, namely the Main Division and the Open Division. Both will be played using a single match round robin system where each player will play against every other once. Matches will be played on a weekly basis and each player are fixed to play 2 matches per week.

As we know, IAHGames is the distributor of FIFA Online 2 in South East Asia. How does IAHGames support this league?

Xephyre: IAHGames provides approval and moral support to the FO2League. This is vital as it recognizes the FO2League's effort to expand the FIFA Online 2 community. I am working closely with my fellow clubmate and "GM", ZendenZ, in coordinating compliance and endorsements between both parties.

What can gamers expect from this league?

Xephyre: Gamers can expect juicy match ups, dedicated coverage of the league's events and interactive content such as articles, contests and events every week.

Any shoutouts to Spotgamers readers and FIFA Online 2 fans?

Xephyre: I would like to take this opportunity to thank SpotGamers and its avid readers, who continue to support your local gaming scene. All the FIFA Online 2 players, for their valuable support and also to everyone else who I might have missed out. Many thanks!