Birthday: 27th Feb
Favourite Gaming Hardware: Razer Destructor and Copperhead (for now)
Major Tournaments Won: 2010 Steelseries Iron Lady Competition
Meet pinksheep. She's quick to add that she's not “THAT” Dawn Yang. In fact, Dawn is very quick to add many things. During my visit to team Asterisk* training grounds, Dawn seems the happiest to add her own responses to many question directed at other members, although she's often equally quick to tell me to not put it on the record.
As with all the girl gamers I have interviewed, Dawn is part of team Asterisk*. Well, it certainly doesn't make sense for me to meet up with all of them simply to interview only one member!
As with all the other members of team Asterisk*, I can simply copy and paste a brief introduction from their team blog. Enter copied text.
Co-leader and content moderator of PMS*, Dawn graduated from the National University of Singapore, with a shared major in English Literature and Psychology.
Dawn works as a Copywriter in Tribal DDB. She holds Grade 8 ABRSM certification in Piano and is currently taking classes in Cello. Left on her own, Dawn prefers to read, write poetry, visit the tennis court and continent-hop to capture memories with her trusty Canon G10.
Dawn is a self-proclaimed Diablo 2 fanatic and also plays Starcraft and Left4Dead.
Favourite Hero: Phantom Assassin
Likes: cats, words, spaces, tea, stardust
Garena ign: pinksheep-
I have stated before that girl gamers are amongst the most senior veterans in the DotA community, but Dawn here seems to have literally out-lived the rest of the competition to become the oldest active competitive DotA player, although luckily not old enough to lie about her age (I think).
The first thing I do with Dawn is take pictures of her, which she refuses to pose for and proceeds to insist that I can only use whatever pictures she provides me with.
Dawn a.k.a. pinksheep (first from right)
Then, after gathering mundane information, I begin with my interview.
So, when did you start gaming?
Dawn: ATARI... Space Invaders. Since I was very young, after watching my cousins play things like Prince of Persia or Heroes of Might and Magic.
Dawn: As for competitive... my first competitive game was actually ENFOs.
Just to clarify, you've been in the same team for 5 years?
Dawn: Ya.
Straight to the point. Who are the 3 best looking DotA guys?
Dawn: I'm sorry but no one strikes me.
Dawn: I once saw a good looking DotA guy at e2max from an unknown team, but that's all.
Dawn: I don't even remember how they look generally so how am I supposed to identify...
Dawn: I DON'T KNOW!!!
You don't associate face with nick?
Dawn: I don't associate face with nick.
Okay... 3 best looking DotA girls then.
Dawn: Tammy.
Dawn: Eliza.
Dawn: Cyn...
On with the listing.
3 best DotA players?
Dawn: Bouncy.
Dawn: Ice.
Dawn: And maybe HY lah.
So unlike some other girls, you didn't get introduced to gaming by your boyfriend.
Dawn: Ya, kind of.
Dawn: Not kind of. Yes.
Dawn: He plays...
Dawn: But I started playing DotA before him.
Dawn: I introduced him to DotA. Before that he was playing Enfo Defense... competitive.
Okay. So, you're one of the few people who are married in the scene.
Dawn: Why do people make a point of it...
Dawn: It's not like people play DotA to get screwed or anything... or maybe they do... I wouldn't know.
Okay... I didn't even ask my question.
But do you think there are girls who play DotA for attention?
Furryfish (or Tammy), Dawn's teammate, feels the need to interject at this point.
Tammy: YA!
Dawn: Ya, but they're not my problem.
Dawn: Unless they're trying to go for my Bryaaaan...
Dawn: But I don't think he wants them.
Enough about personal stuff. It's time to talk about the game.
So, why are you always playing late gamers?
Dawn: I don't! I play a lot of Sand King and Earthshaker...
Dawn: I would like to think I'm versatile!
But what is your favorite role?
Dawn: Playing Phantom Assassin!
Dawn: I'm always happy when I'm playing PA!
Dawn: Cause I think that PA has a lot of potential.
Dawn: And every game I can try something interesting.
DotA teams, although picking up the habit a little late as compared to their Counter-strike counterparts, do a fair share of cheering and shouting during competitions, and girl teams have been known to do their part in adding to the screeching.
Do you contribute to the screaming?
Dawn: Ya. We all do.
But you don't seem like the type who will scream a lot.
Dawn: Ya... but I do.
Dawn: Especially in this team lineup. Cause we're close.
Dawn: Of course, if I'm playing with people I don't really know, I won't scream.
Boys or girls. Which ones are noisier?
Dawn: Girls.
Tammy: Guys la.
Dawn: Wait, noisier as in the screaming or making a lot of unnecessary comments?
Dawn: The 2nd one will be guys lah.
So why have you been playing DotA for so long?
Dawn: Because I find it fun!
Dawn: I've been playing Granado Espada too!
Hmmm... that didn't seem very relevant.
Any other talents other than gaming?
Dawn: That's very hard...
Dawn: Cause I do a lot of stuff but I don't consider myself talented in them.
Why do you find DotA fun?
Dawn: It's relaxing and fun. I play with friends when I have nothing to do.
Dawn: It's a nice and low resource activity. Very relaxing.
Low resource?
Dawn: Ya. It's less tiring than say... reading.
Oh well, everyone is entitled to their own opinion!
Do you think you've improved in DotA?
Dawn: Probably.
Dawn: But I can't really compare. The skill sets have really evolved.
Dawn: Overall, I'd say the standards have gone up.
You've seen a lot of teams. What do you think makes a good team?
Dawn: I think a good team... obviously people would normally associate a good team with a team that wins.
Dawn: But I think that the right attitude and how stable the team is, is important also, for sponsors to take competitive gaming seriously.
Since she brought up the topic of lasting longer...
Why are girl teams so much more stable than guys'?
Dawn: No, they're not!
Dawn: Well for one, there are not as many guys as girls, so there's the illusion that girl teams are more stable.
Eliza: I think we'll do the same if there are the same amount of girl players.
Tammy: We're stable meh... we've been through our downs lorh.
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