SamLanh, Vietnam’s best racer
6233 times Posted by admin on 2010-04-21



Ask any Need For Speed player in Vietnam who the best racer-in-game is at the moment, and he would most definitely bring up Le Van “SamLanh” Nguyen.
Today, we interview this racing game veteran to find out more about him.

Vietnam’s finest, Le Van “SamLanh” Nguyen

Hi Levan, can you introduce yourself to readers who might not be familiar with you?

Le Van: Hi all!
Le Van: I’m Nguyen Le Van, also known as “SamLanh”, an official member Vietnam national eSports team.

When did you start playing computer games?

Le Van: Haha, I started playing games when I was a little child, so I can’t remember when exactly.

How about Need For Speed?

Le Van: I think I might have started playing that in mid 2007. After training seriously for 6 months, I set my sights on the 3rd Asian Indoor Games

 SamLanh with a national eSports teammate at the 3rd AIG

How long do you think it takes to get pro at Need For Speed?

Le Van: In my opinion, it’s long way for a newbie to become a pro.
Le Van: As for how much time it takes, I think it really depends on how hardworking and passionate the player is for the game

How did your family react to your involvement in competitive gaming?

Le Van: Only my mother knows that I joined the 3rd Asian Indoor Games in Hanoi
Le Van: Luckily, she gave her support to me, allowing me to focus on training and preparing for the event

That’s nice! So, what’s the Need For Speed community like in Vietnam?

Le Van: The Need For Speed community in Vietnam is still young and very small.
Le Van: This is probably because most of the internet centers in Vietnam aren’t equipped to support the game at playable graphics settings
Le Van: What more, players training online from their homes need to spend a substantial amount of money on driving simulation equipment and server rental fees
Le Van: Definitely not easy to afford for most gamers in Vietnam

Speaking of equipment, do you have any favorites?

Le Van: The Cowon i7 + Yuin PK2 combo
Le Van: Simply as good as it gets for me

Who is your toughest opponent in Need For Speed?

Le Van: In the 3rd Asian Indoor Games, I met some Iranian and Chinese players who were really skilled – they were definitely tough opponents.
Le Van: Can’t really say the same for EA servers though, not too many skilled players to be found there

 SamLanh taking a break at the 3rd AIG

Which Need For Speed matches have impressed you the most?

Le Van: Probably the games in the ePL, or the VEC tournament in Hanoi
Le Van: The matches in the 3rd Asian Indoor Games were awesome as well, I remember them clearly to this very day.

Do you think pro-gaming has affected you negatively?

Le Van: Last time, it affected me more
Le Van: Much less so now though, probably because I’ve matured since then
Le Van: I now have goals and aspirations for both my gaming and non-gaming life, so it’s no longer an issue, really.

Do your future plans involve eSports?

Le Van: My plan is to focus on trading
Le Van: As for eSports, I plan to give it some time daily, as I would to any other hobby

 SamLanh claiming his prize at the 3rd AIG