Sweetopia Gaming
Written by admin Created 2011-05-13
Read : 569 times
SWEETOPIA Internet and Computer Services Manila Branch. Sweetopia is the largest Garena clan in the world with 1050 slots. Visit our Garena rooms at all-stars sweetopia dota room 1,2 and 3. For more info, go to www.sweetopiaclan.com.
- MGG.swpia.tOuch (sweetopia.tOuch)
- MGG.swpia.dyef (sweetopia-dyef)
- MGG.swpia.NaJaN (sweetopia.go.JG)
- MGG.swpia.yokzz (sweetopia-yokzz)
- MGG.swpia.M4cK (sweetopia-amats)
- MGG.swpia.EC (sweetopia-EC)
- Tamaraw D-6 - 3rd placer
- AMPGL 3.3 - Top 5
- BOTC - Champion
- AMPGL - Top 8
- Pacific 3.2 - 2nd placer
- Pacific 3.3 - Champion
- Pacific 6.3 - Champion
- Sweetopia 4 - Champion
- AMPGL 3.3 - Top 5
Website: www.sweetopiaclan.com
Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Sweetopia-Gaming-DOTA/167236779995216?sk=info