DM|Shen.Chan: Singapore’s EVO medalist is back from Vegas
530 times Written by: Reuben Soh on 2012-08-08

What happens in Vegas usually stays in Vegas—usually, but that’s not always the case. Jovian, more prominently known as DM|Shen.Chan to his fans and his sparring cohort at EVO 12 is not one to crow about his achievements as he humbly concedes, but his successful run at the recent games which concluded on the 8th of July, has undoubtedly rang some bells in the fighting community—much to the delight of his team mates and followers.


Returning from EVO 12 in the middle of June, the Singaporean, who is part of Team Shen, a team of four members with a shared passion and vision for fighting titles that consists of; Yuan, Ou, Yu and Chan (himself), was understandably in high spirits. “Las Vegas was a wonderful place!” he recalls, “there are casinos at every turn and you can put on a lot of weight there as well because it’s literally western food everywhere. It’s cheap and delicious!” However niceties aside, Jovian will definitely remember his trip to EVO for his impressive run as a Soul Calibur 5 exponent. 


“It was a huge achievement for me, but a larger one for the country,” declared the talented gamer, “I hoped I’ve inspired fellow gamers to not give up (so easily) because so long as you believe and work hard, nothing is impossible. Nothing!” Soul Calibur 5, a 2.5 dimensional fighting game developed by Namco Bandai Games, was and is predominantly dominated by US and their French counterparts, but the eager fighter is keen to change that. “I wanted to put Singapore up there as well and my goal (prior to EVO) was to do well enough to do just that.” 


And in order to achieve what he did, Jovian admittedly had to perform a very delicate juggling act with his schedule because time was never really on his side. “I’m currently serving National Service,” explains DM|Shen.Chan, “when I can I’ll do my practical aspect of training and during the nights that I am in camp, I’ll do the theory aspects of the game, such as studying matchups, data and devising strategies. The most critical point in my opinion is to figure out how my opponents play and his bad habits,” points out the fighting veteran of 14 years.


The competition has definitely left a lasting impression on the Soul Calibur player. “I will like to thank the all my friends for supporting me, staying up so late into the night (4am) to support me on stream. Also the EVO Singapore contingent, who shouted their lungs out for Singapore. I will like to take this opportunity to thank my training buddy for 8 years, DM|Shen. Yuan. We had a dream when we are 14; look at where we are now!” Remarks an elated Jovian


“The most important people [still] are the unsung heroes! Tough Cookies Gaming Café, Team DM, for giving me the opportunity to shine on an international stage, my family, I hope I made you proud! And my girlfriend, who gave me time to train and supported me throughout!”


For more information on the Road to EVO 12, check out the official site. As for more on your favorite fighting gamer be sure to follow DM|Shen.Chan at @TheShensSG on Twitter, or Team Desperation Move on Facebook for more from Team DM and their fighters. Or simply check out Tough Cookie Gaming Café on Facebook for updates on the local fighting eSports scene!
