Interview with a legendary captain: Kimo from MSI-EvoGT.TnC

Last time, Rapture Gaming Network interviewed Wootz of Mineski, Jessievash of Pagibig, and Owey of Dreamz. Now once again, we are fortunate to have a quick talk with one of the coolest eSports captain in the Philippines.”Kimo” of MSI-evoGT.TnC

RGN: Kindly introduce yourself to our international readers.

Kimo: I’m Kimuel Borromeo Rodis also known as “Kimo”, 21yrs old and so handsome… I’m the captain of my team MSI-EvoGT.TnC.


RGN: Kindly discuss a Brief summary of your gaming history

Kimo: I started playing with team Gobas. Then I created team “D.I” with my fellow member Nivek and Paty. After that, I created another team Team Prime with my member Hide, Nivek, Pati, Tackle. Then, I quit playing DotA for 3 months, I guess. Then, Mr. Arvin Risos called me out to form a new team which was the legendary Execration, haha. And at present, I am with MSI-EvoGT.TnC.

RGN: How is the feeling playing with the returning Ewe and the new member RR from Mineski?

Kimo: It is okay. Ewe is still welcome with us then with RR, it is also cool since we got a very reliable support.

RGN: How are you preparing with regards to the transition from DotA to DOTA 2?

Kimo: It’s just normal since it goes down to how many games you play. As of now, I play DOTA 2 with my current DotA style of playing.

RGN: What can you say about the allegations that you are the “Chick-Magnet” in the Philippine DotA scene?

Kimo: That is not even true *Hard Laughs*. I am very loyal to my wife (BhemBhem), haha.

RGN: You were in the finals of PGF against Dreamz with 1-1 apiece, what was running in your mind at that very moment?

Kimo: In every game that I play, I did have the same mindset and that was to win. If we lose, then someone might have had a pretty bad game. “Choke!” haha…

RGN: Will your roster be the same at SMM (Doc, Doa, Ewe, RR)?

Kimo: I am still not certain with regards to our line up in the upcoming SMM. There is a trend in the community that some teams steal players from the other one. I don’t know who started it, haha. Who knows? But one thing is for sure if we already came up with the final line-up we will surely post it.

RGN: How can an MSI captain describe his lovelife?

Kimo: If I describe my lovelife, I think we can relate it to a fired coal “Burning!!!” *Hard Laughs*

RGN: What do you think are your chances in DOTA 2 scene in 2013?

Kimo: I think our chances are still high this coming 2013 in DOTA 2. I religiously play only Dota2 for 2 months now, haha. Aside from me, my colleagues also do the same aside from Doc.

RGN: Any shoutout to your fans and our readers?

Kimo: To all of my fans, thank you all for being loyal and to my haters, hopefully you multiply, haha. I also would like to thank MSI Philippines, and Mr. Arvin Risos for the continue support. Thank You!


Current MSI-EvoGT.TnC roster with Mineski Caster “Biancake”

Regularly Visit Rapture Gaming Network for your updates with regards to “Kimo” and “SMM”.

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