Interview with 1st.VN|poker.10JQKA before TGX VN 2012: ''We are ready and so confident!''

Interview with 1st.VN|poker.10JQKA before TGX VN 2012: ”We are ready and so confident!”

319 times Written by: June on 2012-08-09

RGN: Firstly, could you please introduce yourself to Rapture Gaming Network fans?

Poker: Hello, my name is Bui Duc Thuan, 21 years old and currently playing for team. My nickname is 1st.VN|poker.10JQKA. Don’t mistake my name with Thảo because it’s my girlfriend name (laugh).

My team currently has 8 players that is the combination of 2 popular DotA teams in Hanoi: Skynet and WAG. I am so happy and honored to be interviewed by Rapture Gaming Network.


RGN: How long have you been playing DotA 2? Why did you decide to choose DotA2 to compete but not any other game titles?

Poker: I started as a DotA player and I was fond of this game, so I have moved to compete DotA 2 for 2 months. 2 months was a short period of time so for me, and DotA got quite many things need to be learnt. At the beginning, I didn’t plan to play DotA 2, but my friends and teammates from DotA 1 invited me, so I tried it.

RGN: Do you have any comments about DotA2?

Poker: I think DotA 2 has pretty much important improvements compared to DotA 1 with higher speed; store system is also easier to buy than the previous DotA. However, I still do not fully acquainted with the game’s graphics, so in some cases were not settled as well as I expected.

RGN: How do DotA 1’s skills help you in DotA 2?

Poker: I think the entire team benefited from the background skills of DotA 1, so there is nothing too difficult with DotA2 perhaps. The main point is the whole team will have to come to together to find out the best strategy before the tournament.

RGN: Have you ever tried other MOBA game tittles, such as League of Legends and Heroes of Newerth?

Poker: I used to try to play LoL. I feel this is an interesting game but I don’t have much friends to guide me and I find myself is quite lazy to learn, so I left it away. About HoN, I have never tried it.

RGN: Back to today’s main topic. How did your team prepare for this TGX 2012? Can you tell me more about the role and position of every single member?

Poker: After DotA 2 IGN tournament, our team tries to train more because TGX 2012 is such a great tournament, with many powerful opponents joins in. With the support of Yuki, our manager, we got a chance to contact and work with some foreign teams. In our free time, the entire team usually fight pub to become familiar with the graphic and correct movements.

About the positions in my team: Babie and me play Support role, S is carry, Nolove – Milano as Solo. Recently, our team also welcomed the participation of Blackmoon, who would makes our strategy to be more diverse. We are really confident on this tournament.


RGN: What is your goal at this TGX VN 2012?

Poker: Of course we head to the champion!

RGN: Are you too confident while the period of time you get familiar with DotA 2 is too short?

Poker: Even though we have just recently gotten familiar with DotA 2, but by our desire and determination, we think that the team will be successful.

RGN: Who is your biggest rival on this tournament?

Poker: Actually our team doesn’t fear any name but if we have to choose, it will be WAM. WAM also started as a strong DotA team in Hanoi that moved to DotA 2 now. They had much more time to prepare than us so I think WAM will be the biggest rival of this time.

RGN: What do you think about the future of DotA 2 in VN ?

Poker: I hope DotA 2 will be published officially in VN. Because only once it’s published, the game can be interested and developed correctly. As I observe, the Vietnamese gaming community is really interested with this game, even though DotA 2 community itself does not develop significantly as others, but the growth speed is pretty respectable.

RGN: If your team were the champion of TGX 2012, your team would have a chance to take part in the WCG AC held in Malaysia next. Do you know anything about other rivals from our region ?

Poker: We got a chance to train with the foreign teams, and I see that teams from Singapore and Malaysia are quite powerful because they have gone before us long time ago. However, our team will try our best to catch them at the coming TGX 2012.

RGN: Any shoutouts to RGN readers before we finish the interview?

Poker: On behalf of Babie.579, I would say that if we have a chance to represent for Vietnam to compete at WCG AC 2012, believe in us. The entire team will try our best to make the country proud.


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