Akke on 6.79

We heard all about the recent Dota 2’s 6.79 patch notes.  Akke has a say on it as well. Let’s summarize what he thinks about this latest metagame that’s possibility made for the gameplay. He mentioned that the changelogs were good for the game itself but there are things he would wanted to raise concern with. A few words from our professional player, Akke as follows!

The Roshan Spawning Time Is Randomed

“The new Roshan timer will make it harder for the team that has an advantage and want to kill Roshan again(8-11 minutes). Thereby it’s helping the team that is behind which is kinda good I guess. It’s still better for Dire with the Roshan since they can check it easier and will make it even harder for Radiant to keep on checking of it has spawned for 3 minutes so I’m not sure how it will turn out. Heroes that have scouting abilities will be more important like Templar Assassin, Clockwerk, Furion, Venomancer and such.”

The Jungle Creeps Changed Slightly

“I think the shared experience from the neutral camps will mostly only effect the aggressive trilane vs safe trilane since in the 3 vs 1 situation the support will still be able to zone out the offlaner. It will be more balanced and easier for the team that goes aggressive now since they can now share the exp with the team that pulls which I think is good. It’s not gonna be decided on how many pulls the safe lane team will get of but rather on good execution and coordination. Regarding the jungle change I actually think it’s not as much of a nerf but rather making it easier and better to jungle. You will have better rotation with the small camp being switched out for a medium one but since I haven’t tried it yet I’m not sure. Will know more after I try the patch but I don’t think it will be worse to play jungle heroes now or anything like that.”

Gold Per Minute & Wards For Bounty

“Gold per minute and wards (Instead of getting 1 gold each 0.8 second you now get 1 each 0.6 second). You also now get 50 gold for killing observer wards. In my opinion,one of the biggest changes is the raise of the gold per minute and the gold award for killing the opponents wards. Most of the games the support lack gold so by getting a more stable income you will get your core items easier. It won’t effect the other roles, maybe a bit for the offlaner, but the carry and mid player will still get the majority of their gold from creeps so it’s a really good change for the 4-5 roles, I love it and I’m looking forward to having more than boots and wards at 30 minutes into the game.”

The last hint and advise from Mr.Akke are that there are few heroes that are worth the new metagame. The heroes are as follows in order: Shadow Priest, Venomancer , Undying , Earthshaker , Invoker and Lich. 

Want to know more about  Akke or news regarding team  Alliance? Voice out below if you have anything to share with!

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