vKOnetUrtle: ''SC2 is purely an eSports game for hardcore gamers''

vKOnetUrtle: ”SC2 is purely an eSports game for hardcore gamers”

In this interview with vKOnetUrtle, a Protoss player with Clan VK (currently the largest StarCraft II Clan in Vietnam), we listen as he shares his thoughts on life as well as the upcoming SC2 expansion, Heart of the Swarm.

RGN: Hi vKOnetUrtle, could you tell us something about yourself?

vKOnetUrtle: Hello everybody, my name is Dat Nguyen Ngoc, people often call me Rùa. I am currently studying at the Institute of Aviation – VAA and I have played StarCraft for over two years and am currently a member of Clan VK.

 RGN: How do you feel being a member of such a large clan such as VK?

vKOnetUrtle: Although I have not participated in many clan activities recently, I am very proud to be part of Clan VK. I think VK will grow and flourish even more when the Heart of the Swarm expansion is released.

RGN: It is said that you have not played SC2 for a long time. Is it because SC2 has become boring for you?

vKOnetUrtle: SC2 is still very attractive to me. However, I stopped playing SC2 temporarily in part because I wanted to try Diablo III. Another reason is because I wanted to spend more time on my studies.. I have recently just started to play SC2 again and am preparing for the upcoming Heart of the Swarm expansion. In fact, after such a long time not playing SC2, my level has gone down significantly so I think it is time to get into the flow of things again and prepare for Heart of The Swarm.

RGN: Do you find it hard to find time to play SC2 while still studying?

vKOnetUrtle:  It is quite difficult to me because I cannot focus on two things at the same time. For now, I consider SC2 a daily entertainment so that I can focus on my studies.

RGN: Well, in your opinion, what is the reason why is SC2 not as popular in Vietnam as it is globally?

vKOnetUrtle: I think SC2 is not popular in Vietnam because of a few reasons. The first is because the price of SC2 is too expensive while the majority of Vietnamese gamers prefer to play free games only. Thus, buying SC2 is a luxury to them. The second is due to the game culture of Vietnam, gamers prefer to play online games that can bring some income or profit at the same time. SC2 however, is purely an eSports game and appeals only to the hardcore gamer.

RGN: Do you play any other sports or games apart from SC2?

vKOnetUrtle:  I like playing badminton and basketball. I also play DOTA 2 and Diablo III with friends as well as Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 on the console.

RGN: What would happen if your girlfriend played SC2 as well?

vKOnetUrtle: Life will be more interesting and if that were true, I would propose to her right away (laugh).

RGN: Have you tried the Beta version of Heart of the Swarm?

vKOnetUrtle: Unfortunately, I did not manage to get a Beta key from Blizzard. However, from what I have seen through VODs, Protoss looks to be quite strong now, especially the Tempest unit.

RGN: When the SC2 expansion is released, will you be playing SC2 competitively or will you still be focusing on your studies?

vKOnetUrtle: As this is my last year in university and SC2 is quite time-consuming, I think I will just play SC2 for fun. My studies still remain my top priority.

RGN: Thanks for your time and we wish you luck and success.

vKOnetUrtle: Thanks RGN as well as all RGN readers. I hope that the SC2 community in Vietnam will have an exciting year ahead with the new expansion.

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