The Asia: MuFC and LGD will rematch at the final!

The Asia: MuFC and LGD will rematch at the final!

We are back again for the action packed Day 2 from The Asia. First game of the day for us will be MUFC vs Orange. MUFC looks strong as they havent dropped a single game in this tournament.

1st Semi-final: MuFC (Malaysia) vs. Orange Esports (Malaysia)

Lets go through the draft phase of the game:


Orange were able to find an opening in this game by taking the first blood at the bottom lane. It was Yamateh on Luna who found his first victim of the game as Dark Seer. But soon hyhy on Anti-Mage responded back to Orange with a kill on top lane and taking down the tower as well.

Orange tried to push the mid lane at the start knowing that hyhy on Anti-Mage would be too hard to handle but they found it too hard to push. Instead it was MUFC who were successful in pushing the lanes and taking down the tower and shutting down Orange’s powerhouse Luna.

Hyhy’s over extension gave Orange some advantage to push lanes but an early Black King Bar on Leshrac and Blink on Sand King gave MUFC an edge. MUFC held their nerves and tried to cover up the gap created by hyhy.

Later on MUFC were successful in taking down the bottom tower and barracks at the 35th min mark but at the cost of loosing few of their players. At the 39th min game seemed to be an even affair as both teams were locked at a score of 13-13 and the gold and exp advantage was not so huge.

Towards the end of the game before trying to engage Orange at their base MUFC took down roshan. And MUFC were able to execute a perfect team work when Dark Seer’s vaccum caught 4 of the Orange’s players followed by Leshrac’s stun and Sand King’s Ultimate.Thus allowing Anti Mage to use his battlefury’s advantage and taking down all four of them.

This gave MUFC an opening to take down all the remaining lane’s towers as well as barracks and at the 55th min mark claiming the Throne.

MUFC’s undefeated streak still continues and they are just one game away to claim the championship while on the other hand Orange will be playing for the third place game. 

2nd Semi-final: MiTH.TRUST (Thailand) vs. LGD (China)

The other match on the semi-finals proved to be to much for MiTH to handle as they went up against the well-oriented team that is lead by Xiao8.Thailand representative opted to go with an aggressive trilane by putting Windrunner, Rubick, and Shadow Demon against LGD’s trio of Nyx Assassin, Keeper of the Light and Faceless Void.

Great movement by Xiao8 with beastmaster really did the trick in the early phase of the game, ganking bottom to help magnataur get farmed and roaming all over the map to furthermore control the map was his thing. As a result LGD did dominate all lanes including the aggressive trilane that MiTH was relying to control.

Adding to this advantage is the superb team initiations that LGD did, they just throw every skill at the perfect time disabling and killing enemy heroes. The team from China from there on steamrolled the Thailand Representative to dominate not only the gold and experience advantage but also the game. LGD scored 27 hero kills compared to MiTH’s 3.

As the winner of this match LGD will have their rematch with the only team that beat the in the tournament, MuFC in a best of three, while for MiTH and Orange Esports, they’ll battle orange for the battle for third.

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