Interview with ViperDemon from NearlyGod: The legendary team is back!

NearlyGod by Neolution E-Sports have got the champion title from Counter-Strike Online Thailand Championship 2012 at E-Sport World Class 2012 last month that made them the team from Thailand to go to WCG 2012 Grand Finals at Kun Shan, China.

This is a very surprising comeback, because we haven’t seen NearlyGod go on a rampage around here for a very very long time. This is an interview with ViperDemon, member of this legendary team, and here we go!

RGN: NearlyGod will come back to dominate the WCG championship again, how do you feel right now?

ViperDemon: At the first time, we know that there will be WCG held again, we’re very excited because we haven’t participate WCG for a while, and when we come back, we still can defend our champ.

ViperDemon from NearlyGod

RGN: At quarter finals and semi-finals, it seems very easy for you to win, because you made a very very great score. First, you won BeebAud Gaming at 13-2 and 16-8 with Inquisition, what made you so great like that?

ViperDemon: Something possesses us, lol. It’s like everything was going as we expected, we think this guy would come this way, and BAM!!!! He came as we thought, so we could dominate very easily. But the match between Inquisition was a bit tough, though.

RGN: At the finale between FragOrDie, the game was very tough, even it seemed like NearlyGod was clearly the winner at the first time. But then the game seems not be easy to you, what is the cause?

ViperDemon: Maybe because of the over-time, FragOrDie had a connection problem, so they had to stop the match for a while, and at that time, they had time to think about the plan to fight against us.

RGN: What moments that made you feel most depress and most glorious?

ViperDemon: Both are at the final match with FragOrDie. We thought we could win easily, because the scores were very great. We got 7 winning sprees in a row, but then they had connection problem, so the match had to stop. After that, when the match resumed, they took advantage on us because they detected our plans. They had 3 snipers in the team, so they were stealth us very easily. 

The most glorious moment for us is the sudden-death match at the final round. The scores were equal at 15 – 15, we had to play one more game to end this. We took 3 from 5 of them out, and we have 4 left (included me), then one of FragOrDie player set the C4 charge, that was pressing us so much. We swiped out all of their players but we still could not defuse the charge, and the time was running out. I thought we would lose because we didn’t defuse the charge in time. But then MrVoo saw the charge right at his foot, and he was able to defuse it before the C4 exploded in a few seconds; that made us win. So that’s the most glorious moment for us. After the match we were crying, because we had made a lot of mistakes in the final round.


The most glorious moment!

RGN: If the team that fight against NearlyGod were not FragOrDie, but n0stalgia, the team that learns about NG’s plan for the long time, would you use the same plan versus them?

ViperDemon: Yes, we will, we play along as we practices, but the plan would be changed a little bit.

RGN: Do you think that it’s because the experiences NG got from previous WCG tournaments make the advantages to you?

ViperDemon: Yep, this champ we give the credit to our leader, because his sharply decision make us win.

RGN: If this game has “Man of the Match” like soccer, who you will give it to?

ViperDemon: I’ll give it to Voo(mrvoo). He’s like the salvo super star for this game.

RGN: Right now, does NG has a fully comeback yet? Are there any mistakes in it? 

ViperDemon: Yeah, we have a lot of mistakes to make up. We do a very less practice this time, because we focus too much on AVA. We have to participate 2 games in one time, that’s very hard to adapt.

RGN: At last, do you have anything to share with your fans waiting for your comeback, and WCG Grand Finals in China?

ViperDemon: We’ll do our best for the champ. We’ll never gonna give you up. We’ll never gonna let you down. We’ll never gonna turn around and desert you.

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