Balance between gaming and study: Zos

Balance between gaming and study : Zos

RGN : Firstly, can you introduce a little about yourself?


Hello everybody, my name is Pham Minh Khoi. I am 22. Currently I am re-learning mathematics-information technology in Toulouse, France. The reason I relearn is because I had learnt the construction engineering, but I felt that it was boring, so I quit and moved on to learn programming.

RGN: When did you start to play game?


I became familiar with gaming when I was young, but at that time I had a serious outlook towards gaming when I was in grade 10. Before that, I played Star Craft. I played it for fun because I did not know what SC is.

RGN : What lead you to Star Craft?


When I was in grade 3, I first met Squall (a Star Craft gamer) on my school forum. 

At that time he was team leader of the DVN. He was the person who led me to be obessessed with this game and from that day onwards, I started to play a real game.

RGN : After how everything goes, will you continue playing SC?


Over 3 years of learning, I only played SC and seek pleasure in playing the game. Awhile little I had to study abroad, I quit some time because Windows Vista does not allow me to play BattleNet. Since then I moved to play WarCraft 3 meelee. Then from early last year, I approached DotA.

RGN : Do you often play games now?


Currently I occasionally play some DotA games for fun because whenever I played SC or War 3, I have to focus and it is very stressful. Besides, I also play Dialbo2 on BattleNet.

RGN : It seems you love the game of Blizzard, exactly what attractions that attract you in this game?


Actually, I do not know^^. The game Blizzard has a magical attraction. I just play  and be tempted.

RGN : Have you ever tried playing Star Craft2 ?


Not yet but definitely, I will buy and try it in the future.

RGN : So it mean that currently, most of the time you use it to learn at the school and join in other activities?


It would be true. Currently, I go to school in the morning, do part-time job in the evening, at weekend I play football. In addition, I spend my time reading newspapers and surfing websites.

RGN : Now, do you still follow the development of the gaming community inside as well as outside our country?


Right now I only read news on Garena portal and I am less involved in it because in Vietnam, the movement now is supporting DotA everywhere. This is also the game that I am not very excited about. I just play for fun. Overseas the news of SC and War 3 are fewer.

RGN : Supposely, if the Vietnam SC community could turn back as they did before, have you ever though of your possibilities in returning to compete?


Oh, I really missed the time I was passionate about SC. When I not only got alongside with old acquaintances but also work closely with teammates. Currently, I am too old to be involved so it is not necessary.

RGN : Did the previous times when you played SC have affected your study time?


No, to me, I think playing game has no effect at all. I think it is based on everyone‘s choices in which who could sort out their time properly. It is about passion, others choose their own favorite game, but others prefer SC. This is just a personal choice. Generally I do not think the game might affect my learning.

RGN : Talk more about your life now, is it busy?


Within this period of time it is not because I’m currently on summer holiday but if the school year started , it will be a relatively tight schedule.

RGN : Besides gaming and Star Craft, do you havve any fortes or hobbies?


I like football alot, I usually play it when I was in Vietnam and I also play it when I came here. I like listening to rock, gothic, symphonic metal … When I have free time, I used to play chess, minesweeper etc …

RGN : In the future, do you intend to do something?


My plan is simple; I will continue to study next year, because I am interested in programming. When I have the free time, I will try to work to make money to buy a new laptop or go traveling.

RGN : Well thank you very much for this interview. Wish you would continue achieving success within your choice specialty.

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