G-1 Day 5: RattleSnake defeats MUFC, Chains Stack stun Rising Stars

G-1 Day 5: RattleSnake defeats MUFC, Chains Stack stun Rising Stars


Rattlesnake and Chains Stack are the first two teams to qualify for Phase 3 – favourites LGD.Int and Zenith take the stage later today as they face off against Vici Gaming and Neolution.Thailand respectively.


RattleSnake had a great start, shutting down Weaver in the bottom lane and Clockwerk just outplaying Beastmaster in the middle lane. Even though they allowed Lone Druid room to free-farm, they executed a few ganks on him and delayed him from getting his Radiance.

They would continue to dominate MUFC and were able to quickly take 3 tier one towers and win small skirmishes. They were also able to get kills all over the map and MUFC could not do anything to redress the situation.

RattleSnake was able to take down all of MUFC’s outer towers in just 23 minutes and with the Pipe of Insight and Mekansm on their side, MUFC was hesitant to engage and try to defend the towers. RattleSnake would later manage to catch MUFC at the Roshan pit, killing 4 heroes and securing Aegis of the Immortal for themselves.


After 30 minutes, (:RattleSnake would force MUFC to defend the middle lane as would simply walk into their base and chip away at (:MUFC’s barracks. MUFC was simply unable to handle the pressure and decided to tap out.

Game 2 was action packed from the start, as both teams constantly clashed with MUFC coming out a little ahead after the skirmishes. They also managed to shut down Magina mainly due to a few over-extensions on his part. With the mid laners Doom Bringer and Magnus joining the action, they managed to help keep their teammates alive despite not being able to get any kills for themselves.

RattleSnake was slowly getting back into the game, as the Doom Bringer pick was paying off as Doom Bringer would always take out one (:MUFC hero immediately with the Doom skill.

Magina managed to farm up his Battlefury after 20 long minutes but from then on,  it allowed him to catch up in the farming department.

Even though Mirana was leading in net worth, she went for a questionable Linken’s Sphere basically to prevent Doom being used on her but in team clashes it was more likely that Life Stealer or Magnus would be targeted.

RattleSnake won a team fight at the 33 minute mark which led to them taking down a bottom barracks. They returned after a few minutes to take down the middle barracks, eventually forcing MUFC to call “GG”.

Game 1 saw Chains Stack get off to a great start as they would dominate the tri-lane, shutting down Faceless Void while their Gyrocopter was able to farm up.

With Chains Stack’s support heroes deciding to leave the top lane and roam, this basically gave Faceless Void room to farm as Gyrocopter was just not able to push him back.

Chains Stack decided to take down the first bottom tower which they managed successfully, even winning a huge team fight after Rising Stars decided to take a stand and try to defend. Slowly but surely, Chains Stack were cleary edging ahead in terms of items and experience and more importantly map control.

A Roshan attempt by Rising Stars at the 33 minute mark was disrupted by Chains Stack as they would acquire the Aegis of the Immortal for themselves while killing Faceless Void in the process.

Chains Stack deciding to try and finish the game, opting to push the bottom lane which led to them taking down the Rising Stars barracks that saw Rising Stars unable to provide any sort of resistance. With the over-farmed Magina and perfect team work by Chains Stack, they would close out the game after 35 minutes.

Game 2 started out, this time, in favour of Rising Stars even though Clockwerk was getting totally shut down in the top lane and was killed a few times by Magina. Rising Stars were overall still in control of the game but would have to control Magina’s farming if they wanted to stand a chance later in the game.

Even with the early Orchid of Malevolence on Storm Spirit and a lot of burst damage on their side, (:Rising Stars was still having a hard time trying to kill Magina who had a Vanguard.

After 15 minutes, Chains Stack would stage a comeback, winning small skirmishes with their Dragon Knight farming his way back into contention.

With Rising Stars going for a line-up that was dependant on burst damage and lacking raw DPS, they were punished by Chains Stack’s three carries who were just too tanky. Magina had a Vanguard and Manta Style, Dragon Knight with a Black King Bar and Armlet of Mordrigan while Dark Seer had a Mekansm and Hood of Defiance. Add in the Null Field from Rubick, it basically negated the Rising Stars line-up and made them virtually toothless.

Chains Stack decided to push the middle lane but Rising Stars managed to defend it, killing Lina, Dark Seer and Dragon Knight. Chains Stacks would later return and this time they were successful, taking down both barracks in exchange for Dark Seer.

Storm Spirit was able to steal the Aegis of the Immortal after Chains Stack tried to kill Roshan but had to pay for it with the lives of Queen of Pain and Nyx Assassin.

A huge team fight at the 37 minute mark basically signalled the end of Rising Stars, as Chains Stack would win the battle and proceeded to take down the bottom melee barracks and with it, the game.


  • Monday, 25 March 25 – LGD.Int vs ViCi gaming at 3:00AM EDT / 08:00 CET / 15:00 SGT
  • Monday, 25 March – Zenith vs Neolution.Thai at 7:30AM EDT / 12:30 CET / 19:30 SGT

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