The Asia: Orange took down Zenith!

The competition is getting more exciting. RGN brings you the recap for the 3rd round!

Zenith (Singapore) vs. Orange Esports (Malaysia) 

Here we come back again with third game of the day from our side. Group B most crucial game as it will decide the Team which will top this group assuming we have no surprises from the underdog teams.


Picks: Rubick (Freedom), Tinker (xy), Lone Druid (iceiceice), Tidehunter(Lux), Invoker(A)

Ban:Nyx Assassin, Bounty hunter, Shadow Demon, Chen, Sven


Picks: Magnus(ww_), Luna (Yamateh), Night Stalker (kyxy), Sand King (X), Lina (ice)

Ban: Batrider, Templar Assassin, Keeper of Light, Undying, BrewMaster

Orange were able to find the opening in the first min of the game itself in the top lane claiming iceiceice on Lone Druid as their victim. However iceiceice still managed to his inventory. But after the early advantage for Luna at the top lane proved to be very fruitful for Orange.

The Black king bar on Luna and Night Stalker along with Magnus Ultimate proved to be an advantage over Tidehunter’s Ultimate. Tinker and Lone Druid made Orange to taste for victory.

Along with Refresher on Magnus and heart on Night Stalker and Luna with a Reaver towards the end of the game were too hard for Zenith to handle. Orange now can claim the top spot in their group unless someone from Group B decides to upset Orange’s plans.

And for Zenith they can easily manage to claim the second spot and go ahead along with Orange for the next stage of the tournament.

TnC.Pag-ibig (Philippines) vs. JoeNet (Indonesia)

TnC: Nyx Assassin, Templar Assassin, Shadow Demon, Wind Runner, Nature’s Prophet

JoeNet: Enigma, Rubick, Dark Seer, Luna, Queen of Pain

Both teams coming from lose, TnC and JoeNet is determined to bounce back to have a better placing in the group stages. Evident in the draft, the team from the Philippines didn’t opted to go with a traditional Hard Carry hero and instead picked Wind Runner to run their Trilane. It was both teams trilane who were up against each other freeing up space for Dark Seer to farm early needed items.

Early game was indeed in favor of the Indonesians as we saw not only a farming dark seer but also a poor Templar Assassin from TnC. Great chemistry plus superb initiation from Dark Seer resulting not only hero kills but also tower takes favoring JoeNet, Needing to have some actions TnC found light in their split pushing Prophet as he counter take Tier-2 towers of JoeNet. The game went up and down for both teams until that Roshan attempt for TnC. The clash in the Rosh Pit determined the game causing TnC multiple barracks lost. JoeNet won the game giving TnC a 0-2 slate early in the group staages.

Other matches results:

1st.VN (Vietnam) won RevivaL (Brunei)

MuFC (Malaysia) won Elunes (India)

LGD (China) won Invasion.N9 (Australia)

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