Team Digi Ultimate heads up TGX 2011

Team Digi Ultimate heads up TGX 2011

1970 times Written by: RGN on 2011-08-08


Still on a high from winning the Electronics Sport World Cup 2011 (ESWC 2011) DotA championship in Indonesia, Doddy “wAR” is raring to have a go at the next major event on the E-gaming fixture list; The Games Expo 2011, which is to be held in September on the sunny shores of Singapore. “We’re all extremely excited!” as Doddy ecstatically relates, “the champions from all the regional countries will be there and it’s going to be really tough—but we’ll show them what we’ve got!”  

Doddy is a member of the professional gaming clan known as Digi Ultimate which is based in Indonesia. Members from this tightly knitted clan hail from two different regions, Jakarta and Bandung, but the love and passion they share for competitive gaming in the Defense of the Ancients has kept them an indomitable bunch. “Our team is named after the game centre in Bandung, which is currently our home base.”

Team Digi Ultimate consists of five members; Fajar, Brando, Andree, Vicky and Doddy himself. “Fajar” bencLung” is our ganker, Brando “XLR8” does semi-carrying, Andree “vRecto” is our support, Vicky “RusheR” semi-carries and I player carry,” explains Doddy, “winning ESWC was perhaps our biggest triumph, but some may remember us at the 2010 SMM games where we secured 8thplace under the name Alienware Digi, our sponsors at that time.”  

The team, which was formed in 2009, goes by a simple mantra, ‘Dead heroes may respawn but a raxed tower cannot be built again’. However when it comes to work ethic, Doddy emphasizes that nothing beats having good teamwork. “Sometimes we create our own play style but above all, we focus 100% on teamwork.” 

With TGX just over a month away, the heat is on the fearless five to perform well. “We’re constantly compared with Old-XCN, the Indonesian world champion of their time; it’s a lot of pressure but we’re using it to spur ourselves.”

“We’re looking to ramp up our training sessions. We’re now playing 2 to 5 hours more than usual,” noted Doddy, alluding to the diligence of his team, “we are going to watch all our replays which were uploaded months ago so that we may learn from our mistakes and not repeat them.” 

 However albeit the intense trainings and rigorous practice sessions to come, Doddy maintains an unrepresentatively candid outlook on his team’s performance, “our team has a secret weapon. On the night before the game, we get drunk! Very very drunk!”—but he’s kidding of course. On a more somber note, he remarks, “we expect the worst but we prepare to be the very best!”

TGX 2011 will commence on the 9th of September and run until the 11th the very same month. Doddy was visibly grateful to have been conferred the opportunity to play in the grand event and reserved special thanks to Ianz, his substitute at the ESWC 2011 grand finals. “I had to attend my sister’s wedding and he (Ianz) did a very good job in filling for me.”

“We’ll keep the spirit, keep moving and keep doing what we do best!” Assures Doddy to the fervent fans and supporters of his beloved gaming clan. And to that we wish Team Digi Ultimate all the best at the coming TGX 2011 games!

For more information on Team Digi Ultimate, please visit their Facebook fanpage.


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