Interview with Merloz ''Sockshka'' Titouan from mTw

Interview with Merloz ”Sockshka” Titouan from mTw

258 times Written by: Nico on 2012-07-06

Having a slot at the $1,000,000 tournament is like a punch to the moon. But thing is getting harder when you know that you have to work and surpass different other competitive teams just to have a slot on the tournament. The winner of the West qualifier, mTw, proved that they deserve to compete in the said tournament by going through tough and challenging qualifiers.

Rapture Gaming Network was fortunate to conduct an interview with one of the core members of the team. He is known as the hard-hitting player from France and the main carry of mTw.

Merloz “Sockshka” Titouan of mTw

RGN: Good day! Please introduce yourself to our international viewers.

Sockshka: Merloz ” Sockshka ” Titouan, also fakenicking on Steam as radiobouffon, caprice !

RGN: What does mTw stands for?

Sockshka: It stands for nothing, actually at the beginning it meant Mortal Team Work, but now it’s just mTw.

RGN: What is your primary role in the team? Can you tell us your favorite hero?

Sockshka: We can say that I’m the Carry of the team, even if we don’t always use one. My favorite hero is Sandking, and it seems a bit weird for a carry player. He is really a great ganker at the beginning. He is also one of the few Melee heroes who can win a solo against a range hero. He farms really fast, and he is so powerful in the mid game.

RGN : Do you have any specific gaming gear?

Sockshka: I have been using the same stuff for 2 years now, Razer Mamba for mouse, and Razer Arctosa for keyboard. Actually, I just added a new headset at Dreamhack, a new Sennheiser, which was given to me by mTw.

RGN : When did you start to play competitive DotA?

Sockshka: I started playing competitive DotA exactly 2 years ago when I joined I started to play in an in-house league where I met a lot of top players. I played a lot with Maldejambes and we decided to make a team together (NFO). After a couple of Asus, we managed to qualify for the first international tournament. After this, 2 people decided to stop playing competitive DotA, so we had to recruit 2 other players. We took Mad (who is still with me since then) and Garter. After a really bad ESWC on DotA 2, we decided to switch back to a full French roster, so we recruit 2 French players, whose Funzi. We make some good results, and also some less good. Finally we decided to create something new, with a new captain (synderen), and an awesome support player (Kebap), under mTw flag, as synderen is our captain.

RGN : Any remarkable match that you cannot forget?

Sockshka: Well, I will always remember my first win against one of the best team at that time on DotA 1 with MyM, and also, the best of 3 against Navi at Dreamhack Summer, where I got my first big title on a LAN event.

RGN : Any upcoming tournaments that mTw will join?

Sockshka : There are a couple of online tournaments, the biggest one is The Defense 2. And of course, it’s The International 2 in the end of August, which we are qualified during the West qualifier.

RGN: What do mTw prepare for the upcoming International 2?

Sockshka: We will start boot-camp in a couple of days and for all the summer, except 2 weeks during August to chill and rest.

RGN : Any teams that you are looking forward to go against with?

Sockshka: The Asians of course. Because we don’t know a lot of them, we just see a couple of games, thanks to the gigabyte tournament. But anyway, all the team will be great opponents and will be well prepared for sure. I’m looking forward to the event!

RGN: Future plans or goals as an individual and with the team?

Sockshka: As an individual, I want to keep improving, of course. And for the team, I just want us to have no regrets after The International, and do our best there, even if I know that we will be an underdog.

RGN : Any Shoutouts?

Sockshka: Shoutout to mTw, and all the sponsors. Shoutout to my teammates, of course. To my parents, who follow me and support me. To SpL, AdP.Tiger, the #mtw.dota2 irc chan I didn’t forget you this time guys 😛 , AURELIEN.NET, and all the French community!


“I want to keep improving of course.
And for the team, I just want us to have no regrets after The International!
– Merloz “Sockshka” Titouan

Please support for Merloz “Sockshka” Titouan Fanpage and team mTw for the best result in the upcoming tournaments!

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