Interview with team MiTH.GuNoob

Interview with team MiTH.GuNoob

279 times Written by: Tantanat Chairatn on 2012-06-17

GuNoob clan was established from Battlefield 2 & Battlefield 2 Special Forces by the combination of two player groups, one from Battlefield 2 was the specialists in vehicles and aircrafts, and the Special Forces one are the specialists in assaulting, capturing and using teamwork. They named their clan “GuNoob” since 2006. Then, they joined the first tournament was “World Gamemaster Tournament 2006 (WGT) and got the winner place for the first time. That’s the reason why they become eSports players.

One year later, despite people had a thought that the team would attend to the WGT 2007 to defend their champion title, they decided to disband because of the duties they had the personal duties to do. However, some parts of GuNoob moved to Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and recently, they have switched to Battlefield 3 and got the first tournament that was the GIGABYTE Battlefield 3 Asia Cup 2012 with 16 teams from 7 countries joined this tournament, and they made the 2nd place in the tournament. They passed a lot of the great teams from the foreign countries, like C3BU from Philippines, team Immunity and Carnage from Australia. Then, they joined the MiTH group that lifted GuNoob going to the next level of Battlefield tournament series. They hope they go forward to the global level and get the champions place in someday.

Team MiTH.GuNoob

Next is the interview with MiTH.GuNoob team.

RGN: How long have you guys play Battlefield?

Westl3anK: 7-8 years since Battlefield 2, but somebody in our team had played (Battlefield) 1942 before we met each other.

RGN: Have you ever play another FPS before? Or you played Battlefield series for the first FPS game of yours?

Westl3anK: Actually, all of us had played Counter-Strike before.

RGN: About positions in the game, how do you decide which position of each member is?

lTonGl: We watch other members’ skills during the practice or in the normal game, who plays this position well, who use this vehicle well, that’s what we use for decision.

RGN: And have you ever swapped the positions sometimes?

Westl3anK: Always, actually. In the situation that we can’t control it, for example, the tank is spawned but our driver is in the hot zone, somebody have to drive it instead.

RGN: What’s your favorite map? And why?

PaSanA: Our favorite map? It’s “Seine Crossing” because the geography of the map is very good, offending and defending is balanced. It’s not a map that one team takes an advantage all the time, it’s not like when some base is lost, you can’t take it back, it’s not like that. So Seine Crossing is our favorite map. But actually, we love Operation Metro too (lol).


MiTH GuNoob recieved the 2nd prize at Gigabyte BF3 Asia Cup

RGN: How did you guys get assembled?

Westl3anK: From the beginning, we had played Battlefield 2 together, and we got to know each other. We took some tournaments sometimes, so we decided to assemble to GuNoob.

RGN: About the team’s name, why it has to be “GuNoob”?

lTonGl: It’s for being sarcastic, like we’re so freaking noob (Gu means I or We in the rude manner in Thai), but when you play with us, you’ll know that we’re not noobs, our skills are more than the word “Professional”.

RGN: Why did you join the MiTH group?

Westl3anK: We want to broadcast the Battlefield series in the Asia region. Because most of teams of MiTH are established to compete in the SEA region, but Battlefield is the game that has competitions or tournaments around the world, so we want to make Battlefield series outspreaded in Asia region.


GuNoob at BF3 4vs4 Ascenti Resources Tournament

RGN: Which match that pressed you most?

lTonGl: The match between Team Immunity and BFNut. These teams have very good performances and they’re very flexible to the game, so the match between these teams are the most pressed match for us.

RGN: Did you have any techniques for the newcomers or who wants to play BF3 but doesn’t have any experiences in the series before?

Westl3anK: We don’t have anything much, but if you’re interested in BF3, just play with us, you may receive a lot of new and unique techniques from us.

RGN: What do you think about Thailand’s FPS society in the future?

lTonGl: In the past, it has been developed a lot. We think it would be better if it has more supports from superiors in the future.


MiTH GuNoob went to IGC 2012

RGN: In the position of one of the top eSports team in the Asia region, how do you feel about your position right now?

Westl3anK: It’s not over yet, we target further from here. If you wonder whether we’re glad that we can make it here? Yes, we are. But we hope that we will bring the Thai flag to the worldwide stage and we’ll show the world how good we are.

RGN: Do you have anything to say to RGN?

Westl3anK: We hope RGN will make more news about us (MiTH) and Battlefield 3 news, and we hope RGN will be with us forever and creates a good news to us all the time. 

MiTH.GuNoob Facebook Fanpage

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